Service Club Reimbursements

Section: I. CADM-140
Approved By: Dr. Ivan Harrell, 6/7/19
Last Review: 5/14/19
Last Revision: 2/13/18
Prior Revisions: 3/18/04, 2/10/12
Initial Adoption: unknown


Dues for service club memberships cannot be covered through the state reimbursement process. However, reimbursement for meals and travel expenses is authorized by RCW 43.03.050, and the State Administrative and Accounting Manual published by the Office of Financial Management.  SAAM 10.40.070 SAAM 10.40.70 and SAAM 70.15.10.


Community involvement is an integral part of TCC’s mission and helps us to stay aware of and better respond to evolving community needs and opportunities for our students. For that reason, we encourage involvement in civic organizations and service clubs.  This is central to our mission and Core Themes:

  • Core Theme #3 – Engage Community:  We create and sustain collaborative relationships across the college and with local and global communities.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

All full-time faculty, staff and administrators.






Since state-funded budgets are limited, faculty and staff who would like to become involved in civic organizations and service clubs should apply in writing to the Vice President in charge of their area to determine if meal and mileage costs can be reimbursed. If so, original receipts should be submitted since meal costs often exceed the per diem rate for this area.  Examples of community service clubs can include but is not limited to:

  • Tacoma/Pierce County Chamber of Commerce
  • Rotary
  • City Club
  • Kiwanis
  • Tacoma Urban League banquet
  • Centro Latino events
  • Asian/Pacific Cultural Center events
  • World Trade Center events
  • Lions Club
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